Full Frontal Samantha Bee on Covid-19’s Politicization


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Trump’s Politicization of the COVID-19 Vaccine | Full Frontal on TBS

Sam dons her best lab coat blazer to deliver an in-depth look at the politicization of the COVID-19 vaccine and the history of vaccine science. According to Frontal, It’s not surprising that Trump is pushing for a rushed COVID-19 vaccine in order to gain cheap political points. But good things take time! So plan on taking shots, not getting them, come November.

Is It Vaccine Season, Yet?
As summer ends and fall begins, nothing sounds better than a pumpkin spice latte and a shot of COVID-19 vaccine! But if we can wait all year for Starbucks to release the PSL, we can wait a little longer for a safe and effective vaccine.

Courtesy: TBS.com