Since giving up his life as a government assassin, Robert McCall (Denzel Washington) has struggled...
Dumb Money is the ultimate David vs. Goliath tale, based on the insane true story...
While the world is in a tizzy over the new BARBIE movie (2023) starring Oscar-nominees...
Haunted Mansion is a 2023 American supernatural horror comedy film directed by Justin Simien from...
Orlando Leyba is a stand up comedian from the United States. Orlando has a knack...
A divorced couple teams up and travels to Bali to stop their daughter from making...
When a mysterious pair of weasels set their sights on a collection of four powerful...
Check out these new and upcoming comedy & action films sure to entertain and pleas...
Taylor Tomlinson may not quite be a household name just yet, but keep your eyes...
The Max Original docuseries, TAKE OUT WITH LISA LING, debuts with all six episodes THURSDAY,...